About Victoria

Health Coach | Personal Trainer |  Metaphysical & Reiki Practitioner

Hey! I’m Victoria and I hope this page helps you get to know me better.

Rev. Victoria Islas, B.Msc, ISSA Certified Health Coach, PnL1, ISSA Master Trainer


Victoria Islas, a California native, brings a wealth of experience and expertise in nutrition, fitness, and metaphysics. She is an ISSA Master Coach with over six fitness certifications, ISSA Certified Health Coach,Passionate Steel Mace Trainer, and a Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coach. 

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Sedona and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree there. Additionally, she is expanding her knowledge in nutrition through the American Academy of Functional Health.

Victoria’s journey is deeply influenced by her faith and love for her family, especially after losing both her parents to chronic health conditions, and her own experience with a rare autoimmune disorder. These experiences have strengthened her dedication to holistic health and fitness.

Victoria’s mission is to teach people how to maintain their health while incorporating essential spiritual elements (although optional). She embodies strength, bravery, creativity, and spirit, constantly inspired and always in motion.

On the web, you can find her at www.coachvictoriaislas.com and www.steelmacewarrior.com. Furthermore, you can find her as a marketing manager and nutrition coach at Regener8 Wellness + Performance in Yuma, Arizona.

My Philosophy 

My training philosophy is built on a foundation of holistic health, combining nutrition, fitness, and metaphysical practices to promote overall well-being.


ISSA Master Coach

  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Certified Exercise Therapy Specialist
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Certified Yoga Instuctor
  • Certified Online Coach

ISSA Health Coach

Steel Mace Training 

  • Mr.Maceman Certified
  • KIPS Foundations of Steel Mace Training Certified
  • NewBreed Macebell Certified
  • Primal Flow Certified
  • Viking Ninja Steel Mace Level 1 (Not Active)
  • Steel Mace Flow Level 1 (Not Active)


  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Nutrition Health Coach – American Academy of Functional Health (Current Student)

Metaphysics / Energy Healing

  • Bachelors Degree in Metaphysics – University of Sedona
  • Masters Degree in Metaphysics – University of Sedona (Current Student)
  • Reiki Solas Level 1 & 2
  • ISMA Inca Reiki
  • ISMA Reiki Ryoho Level 1 &2
  • Antojai Quantum Reiki Level 1
  • Ancient Magick Sound Healing Level 1

Additional Credentials

  • NESTA Certified Muay Thai Instructor


Professional Affiliations / Associations

Steel Mace Warrior - Yuma Sun Newspaper

Yuma Sun Newspaper Article / Business Glance