Unveiling the Reality: Steering Clear of Pesticides in Our Food & Diet

Jan 27, 2024

Article Written by Coach Victoria Islas

In today’s world, where the aisles of supermarkets are packed with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains, safety is a constant concern. The presence of pesticides in our food has become a topic of significant importance. I aim to demystify the truths about these chemical substances in our foods and provide practical tips to minimize their impact on your health.

Pesticides: The Hidden Guests on our Table

Pesticides, used primarily in agriculture to control pests and diseases, find their way onto our plates through the foods we eat on a daily basis. They encompass a range of chemicals like herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. The use of these chemicals has been a subject of debate, given their potential impact on human health and the environment. In my opinion it is not a debatable issue, even the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has a lot to say about pesticides and their harmful effects 1. Depending on the pesticide, they can affect our nervous system, endocrine system, and hormones.

What Science Says

Studies have linked excessive exposure to pesticides with various health issues ranging from short-term impacts like nausea and dizziness to more severe long-term effects like cancer and overall disruption of the body 2. Sadly, children are more at risk due to their developing bodies.

Is Organic the Answer?

Organic produce is often promoted as the “safer choice”, as it is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. While switching to organic can reduce exposure to these chemicals, it’s important to understand that “organic” doesn’t always equate to “pesticide-free”. Organic farmers may use natural pesticides, which can also have health implications.

What can we do to reduce pesticide intake?

Here are 5 practical steps to reduce pesticide intake:

  1. Smarter Shopping Choices: Opt for organic produce, especially for items known to have higher pesticide residues. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Dirty Dozen” list can be a handy guide to help you make those smarter choices!
  2. Washing and Peeling: Wash fruits and vegetables under running water and peel them when appropriate. This wont eliminate all pesticides but can reduce their presence on your foods. I higly recommend a fruit and veggie cleaner which you can easily find at any grocery store now adays.
  3. Diversify Your Diet: Diversifying your diet helps in minimizing the risk of accumulating specific types of pesticides present in certain foods.
  4. Support Local and Seasonal Produce: Local, seasonal produce is less likely to be heavily treated with pesticides due to shorter transport and storage times.
  5. Home Gardening: Growing your own fruits and vegetables can be a rewarding way to ensure a pesticide-free diet. Although this option is not for everyone, it is a great way to learn a new skill and have a little fun with the family or just yourself!

Advocating for Stricter Regulations

While individual actions are crucial, there is a pressing need for broader systemic change. Advocating for stricter regulations on pesticide use, promoting sustainable farming practices, and supporting research on safer alternatives are essential steps toward a healthier future for ourselves, our family, friends, and the planet.

Midful Eating is the Key

Navigating the world of food safety can be challenging, but being informed and making conscious choices can significantly reduce pesticide-related risks. As we become more mindful of what goes into our bodies, we not only protect our health but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible food system.

The truth about pesticides in our foods is a complex issue, but it’s not without solutions. Be mindful of your choices and always choose to advocate for a better future without pesticides or at least a reduction!


1. EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency: Pesticide Science and Assessing Pesticide Risks

2. The Institute of Functional Medicine: Exposure to Pesticides, Herbicides, & Insecticides: Human Health Effects

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